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In the last ten years unemployment has increased considerably in Europe! Young people are particularly affected. They face even more difficult conditions to enter the labor market. Did you know that the youth unemployment rate is twice the average rate!

The Europe 2020 Strategy took up the subject and invested in the subject of entrepreneurship: “To bring Europe back to growth and higher levels of employment, Europe needs more entrepreneurs”.

Making young people want to be an entrepreneur is not easy: 40% of young people indicate an interest in entrepreneurship, but only 4% of them actually try it. How can we try to reduce this gap?

Numerous measures for youth entrepreneurship have been put in place in recent years: training in project management, financial support, specific incubators, etc. But much remains to be done to improve the social representations of entrepreneurship and success in European culture. According to the Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan, “There is a widespread culture that does not recognize or sufficiently reward entrepreneurial efforts and does not celebrate successful entrepreneurs as role models that create jobs and income. To make entrepreneurship the engine of growth in our economy, Europe needs a profound cultural change “.

How to react ?
– by deconstructing social representations of entrepreneurship and success,
– by raising awareness and promoting the informal skills of young people in entrepreneurship,
– by creating the confidence of young women in the entrepreneurial adventure
– by promoting the integration of entrepreneurship awareness and training modules into initial training,
– by learning from European cultural differences on the subject in order to shake up our stereotypes about youth entrepreneurship.

This is why we have built a strategic cooperation partnership for innovation and the exchange of good practices within the Erasmus + Youth and Sport program, funded with support from the European Commission. Five organizations from France, Ireland, Greece and Slovenia have looked into the subject to design the Toolbox that we present to you here.

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